Litigant Name Search

The Litigant Name Search on MO enables users to find court cases involving persons or businesses that are parties to a lawsuit. This search does not include the judge or attorneys involved in the case.

How to Use the Search:

  1. Search Scope:
    • Default: All Participating Courts, including all trial court judicial circuits and appellate court locations.
    • Narrowed Search: If known, selecting a specific circuit or appellate court can help refine the results.
  2. Entering Names:
    • Last Name (Required): Enter the full last name or the initial part of the last name. The search is not case-sensitive. At least two characters are required to conduct a search.
      • Examples:
        • “Herman”: Retrieves all cases with litigants named Herman.
        • “Herm”: Finds litigants whose last names begin with “Herm” such as Herman or Hermit.
        • “Herman Roofing Company”: Locates cases involving Herman Roofing Company.
    • If a search with a common last name yields over 1,000 results, a message prompts to narrow the search further to avoid timing out.
  3. Alias Information:
    • By default, the alias box is unchecked. Check this box if you want to search using a name that might be an alias.
  4. Optional Search Fields:
    • First Name: Functions like the Last Name field; enter the first letter(s) of the first name.
    • Middle Initial (MI): Only the first letter of the middle initial is necessary.
    • Year Case Was Filed: Requires all four digits of the year.
    • Case Status: Available only for circuit-specific searches.
      • “All”: Displays all cases.
      • “Pending”: Shows open cases.
      • “Disposed”: Lists cases with a final determination.
    • Case Type: Choose from Civil, Criminal, Probate, Traffic/Municipal, and Infractions. Note: Mental health cases in Probate are not public.
    • County and Location: These fields adjust based on the selected court. Not available when searching “All Participating Courts.”
  5. Executing the Search:
    • Click the “Find” button to execute the search. A list of cases matching the criteria will appear. Click on the Case Number hyperlink to view detailed information about the case.

Important Notes:

  • Paternity cases only display defendant details if a judgment is entered.
  • Petitioner/Plaintiff names in Protection Order cases and cases dismissed without judgment do not display.
  • Use the Case Number Search to find detailed case information at any stage before or after a judgment is entered.

Searching Tips and Troubleshooting:

  • If you receive a message about a common last name causing a potential timeout, consider adding more specific details to your search criteria.