Filing Date Search
When you know the date a case was filed, you can use our Filing Date Search to track down cases filed within a specific week. Simply enter the date in the Start Date field, and we’ll show you all cases filed during the seven days starting from that date.
How to Perform a Filing Date Search:
- Select the Court:
- This is a required step. Note that you cannot search across all participating courts simultaneously.
- If you choose an appellate court or the Fine Collection Center, only the essential fields will need to be completed.
- Selecting a trial court circuit will reveal additional fields, allowing you to refine your search further.
- Set the Start Date:
- Enter the start date for your 7-day search period in the format mm/dd/yyyy, or use the calendar icon to pick a date. This field is mandatory.
- Case Type Options:
- You can filter your search based on the type of case:
- All: Includes all case types.
- Civil: Covers circuit and associate cases, transcript judgments, and administrative orders.
- Criminal: Includes felonies, misdemeanors, and infractions handled at the circuit and associate levels.
- Probate: Encompasses guardianships, conservatorships, trusts, estates, and wills on deposit. Note: Mental health cases are confidential and not publicly accessible.
- Traffic/Municipal: Involves all traffic or ordinance violations, both moving and non-moving.
- Infraction: Pertains to cases where the only penalty is a fine. Note: Default judgments apply to some infractions based on changes in law from August 28, 2009, to February 25, 2010.
- You can filter your search based on the type of case:
- Choose a County:
- The available counties will depend on your court selection. For instance, in the 37th Circuit, you can select from Carter, Howell, Oregon, and Shannon counties.
- This option helps to further narrow down your search. Note: This field is disabled when “All Participating Courts” is selected.
- Location within a County:
- After choosing a county, you’ll see a list of court divisions within that county. Selecting a specific location helps to refine your search to where the case was filed.
- This field does not appear when searching in “All Participating Courts.”
- Execute the Search:
- Click the “Find” button to start your search. You’ll see a list of relevant cases. Click on any case number to view detailed information about that case.
Please Note:
- Some case details, like paternity case outcomes, are only displayed after a judgment has been entered.
- For protection order cases, petitioner or plaintiff names or identifying details are not displayed. Cases that are dismissed won’t show up in the search results—only those with judgments will be listed.
Using the Filing Date Search is a straightforward way to access case records quickly based on when they were filed, ensuring you have the information you need at your fingertips.